Your home may qualify for a brand new roof, siding, & gutters due to storm damage. 

 All covered by your insurance company!

The TRGC Process

free home assessment

We come to you for a hassle free assessment of damage on your house.

contact insurance

We work directly with your insurance to save you time and get you the most value possible. 

Complete necessary repairs

We leverage our trusted network of contractors in your area to get your home looking good as new!

Don't wait, reach out to us today!

About TRGC

Santino Barrett | Co-Owner 

Since I was young, I’ve always found it important to be a helpful person to those around me. When attending Benedictine University to study Business Management, I knew this value was something I wanted to translate through in my future career. By joining forces with my father and the business he created, I have found my way to help others through home restoration. For over 30 years, TRGC Inc. has specialized in home repairs due to storm damage. We are licensed, bonded, and have a reputation built on elite workmanship! Understanding how insurance companies evaluate homeowner claims is the key to ensuring that you are being fairly compensated in the process. With ample experience working with insurance adjusters and building a network of professional subcontractors, TRGC Inc. has been able to help hundreds of others restore their homes in an easy and timely manner. Give us a call today to set up a free assessment of your home and see if your family qualifies!

A picture of one of the founders of TRGC Inc.

About TRGC

Santino Barrett | Co-Owner


A picture of one of the founders of TRGC Inc.

Since I was young, I’ve always found it important to be a helpful person to those around me. When attending Benedictine University to study Business Management, I knew this value was something I wanted to translate through in my future career. By joining forces with my father and the business he created, I have found my way to help others through home restoration. For over 30 years, TRGC Inc. has specialized in repairs due to storm, water, and fire damage. We are licensed, bonded, and have a reputation built on elite workmanship! Understanding how insurance companies evaluate homeowner claims is the key to ensuring that you are being fairly compensated in the process. With ample experience working with insurance adjusters and building a network of professional subcontractors, TRGC Inc. has been able to help hundreds of others restore their homes in an easy and timely manner. Give us a call today to set up a free assessment of your home and see if your family qualifies!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my insurance rates go up as a result of filing a claim for storm damage?

Insurance companies can raise or lower rates based on a variety of conditions. For example, after a large storm you may see rates increase to accommodate for the unexpected number of claims. However, your rates will not go up because you specifically filed for a claim.

How do I pay for TRGC's services?

You will receive two checks from the insurance company for the Actual Cash Value (ACV) and Replacement Cost Value (RCV) of the damaged portion of your home. You will write three checks to TRGC: two in the same amounts that the insurance company send you, and one for the deductible on your policy. The net cost to you is only the deductible amount.

For example, if a claim is worth $10,000 and your deductible is worth $1,000, the insurance company will send you two checks, each for $4,500. You will write TRGC two checks, each for $4,500, and one check for $1,000.

The actual check amounts may not always be the same amount since each claim and policy is different, but ultimately you only pay out of pocket for the deductible.

Who completes the work once my claim is approved?

TRGC Inc. is connected with highly experienced professionals all across Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin. We will pair your project with one of our trusted teams to complete your storm restoration.

Why should I use TRGC Inc. instead of calling my insurance agent directly?

An insurance agent’s main goal is to grow their book of business to have as many policies as they can handle, not necessarily to have their policy holder’s claims approved when they arise. Our main goal is to make sure you get approved, and with over 30 years of experience, we know how to handle insurance agents and companies to guarantee you are approved. Our record shows with 93% of the claims we’ve worked on in 2020 being approved!

Don’t file a claim without us!

We work hard to make sure the insurance adjustors will approve of your work. Reach out to us today for a new roof tomorrow!